Primary Proteins:
  1. ccalGFP1
  2. ccalGFP3
  3. ccalOFP1
  4. ccalRFP1
  5. ccalRFP2
  6. ccalYFP1
  7. rfloGFP2
  8. rrenGFP
    Secondary Proteins:
  1. amFP486,
  2. asFP499,
  3. dendFP,
  4. DsRed,
  5. EosFP,
  6. eqFP611,
  7. gtenCP,
  8. Kaede,
  9. McaG2,
  10. mcavRFP,
  11. mcCFP,
  12. ptilGFP,
  13. zoan2RFP,
  14. ZsGreen
Add photostability measurements


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