FPbase FRET Calculator

Note: only FPs & dyes for which EC, QY & spectra are known appear in these lists. Feel free to contact us with additional dye info.
QY = Quantum Yield, EC = Extinction Coefficient, J(λ) = Overlap Integral, R0 = Förster Radius, 𝓃 = refractive index, κ2 = orientation factor
Wu & Brand (1994). Resonance Energy Transfer: Methods and Applications. Analytical Biochem. 218


Förster Radii for all monomeric FP pairs in the database
Show Donor Acceptor λmaxD Δλem QYD εA QYA J(λ) R0 (Å) R0×QYA
Show Donor Acceptor λmaxD Δλem QYD εA QYA J(λ) R0 R0×QYA