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mClavGR1 is a fluorescent protein published in 2010, derived from Clavularia sp.. It is reported to be a monomer.

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Oligomerization Organism Molecular Weight Cofactor
Monomer Clavularia sp. 27.0 kDa -

FPbase ID: 9BUDR


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mClavGR1 Sequence

mClavGR1 was derived from mTFP1 with the following mutations: G44S/K55R/E72S/Y76F/D77E/N80Q/N83D/S95A/A104H/A109V/N119D/T134S/K140G/V143C/K144I/V145A/K146T/S147N/S150T/E153K/Y158N/E159K/L162F/T179V/D182E/R187K/H201M/E206K/H211Y/V213C/K216R/I218T/R220K/K222_K223insQ/N241S/T250K/V251L/S254H/R258H/N259S/S260G/T261L/D261aP
amino acid numbers relative to cFP484. show relative to mTFP1

Note: Note: Supp. Table 1 in Hoi et al (2010) does not list mTFP1-T141V (position relative to mTFP1 as shown in paper) as one of the mutations in mClavGR1. But Fig. 2 in the paper shows all mClavGR proteins with 141V. It is included in the sequence and mutation list here (as T146V relative to mTFP1).



The new photoconvertible FP based on the mTFP*1 template was designed using a strategy analogous to that previously used to design a consensus FP based on a monomeric Azami green template.25 The known photoconvertible FPs, including EosFP, Dendra2, KikGR, and Kaede were aligned to find the consensus at each amino acid position. Amino acids of > 50% consensus were maintained in the designed protein. At positions with no clear consensus, the corresponding residue in mTFP*1 was used. Residues of mTFP*1 that had been substituted during the conversion of the wild-type cFP484 tetramer into a monomer were maintained in the design of the consensus protein

Hoi et al. (2010)

Primary Reference

A Monomeric Photoconvertible Fluorescent Protein for Imaging of Dynamic Protein Localization

Hoi H, Shaner Nc, Davidson Mw, Cairo Cw, Wang J, Campbell Re

(2010). Journal of Molecular Biology, 401(5) , 776-791. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2010.06.056. Article   Pubmed

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