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Dmitry A Gorbachev

    1. Primary Proteins:
    2. NowGFP
      Additional Proteins:
    1. EGFP
    1. Primary Proteins:
    2. KillerOrange
    1. Primary Proteins:
    2. mKillerOrange
      Additional Proteins:
    1. KillerOrange
  1. Green fluorescent protein with tryptophan-based chromophore stable at low pH

    Gorbachev Da, Sarkisyan Ks, Mishin As, Lukyanov Ka

    (2017). Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 43(2) , 220-222. doi: 10.1134/s1068162017010034. Article

      Primary Proteins:
    1. mTurquoise2-1710
  2. Genetically Encoded Red Photosensitizers with Enhanced Phototoxicity

    Gorbachev Da, Staroverov Db, Lukyanov Ka, Sarkisyan Ks

    (2020). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(22) , 8800. doi: 10.3390/ijms21228800. Article   Pubmed

      Primary Proteins:
    1. SuperNova2