Primary Proteins:
  1. eqFP578
  2. TagRFP
  3. TurboRFP
    Secondary Proteins:
  1. eqFP611,
  2. mCherry,
  3. TurboFP602

Bleach Measurements

Protein (state) t1/2 (s) Power Light Mode In Cell Fusion ˚C
TagRFP 48.0
A caution on interpretation of photostability measurements
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Together, eqFP578 and eqFP611 represent a separate group of red fluorescent proteins, which are characterized by high fluorescence brightness, complete chromophore maturation and, notably, a reduced tendency to oligomerize. These features make E. quadricolor fluorescent proteins an attractive starting point for the generation of bright monomeric red fluorescent proteins.

Together, eqFP578 and eqFP611 represent a separate group of red fluorescent proteins, which are characterized by high fluorescence brightness, complete chromophore maturation and, notably, a reduced tendency to oligomerize. These features make E. quadricolor fluorescent proteins an attractive starting point for the generation of bright monomeric red fluorescent proteins.