Primary Proteins:
  1. mGreenLantern

Bleach Measurements

Protein (state) t1/2 (s) Power Light Mode In Cell Fusion ˚C
mGreenLantern 30.8 77.0 µW Laser Point Scanning Confocal
A caution on interpretation of photostability measurements
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mGreenLantern was 190% brighter than mNeonGreen, 260% brighter than Clover, and 620% brighter than EGFP when expressed in HeLa cells and showed faster and complete maturation. The brightness of mGreenLantern was superior regardless of mammalian cell line chosen, the specific organism or induction system, or the imaging and analysis method used... HEK293T human embryonic kidney cells, BE(2)-M17 human neuroblastoma cells, and E. coli all produced at least three times more mGreenLantern soluble protein than EGFP, mClover3, or mNeonGreen.