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Oligomerization | Organism | Molecular Weight | Cofactor |
Monomer | Discosoma sp. | 26.8 kDa | - |
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Slow-FT was derived from mCherry with the following mutations: M18V/E30V/K70R/L83W/A175V
amino acid numbers relative to DsRed. show relative to mCherry
Fast-FT, Medium-FT and Slow-FT exhibit distinctive fast, medium and slow blue-to-red chromophore maturation rates that depend on the temperature. At 37 °C, the maxima of the blue fluorescence is observed at 9.8 h for slow-FT. The half-maxima of the red fluorescence is reached at 28 h.
Subach et al. (2009)
(2009). Nature Chemical Biology, 5(2) , 118-126. doi: 10.1038/nchembio.138. Article Pubmed
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