
Comparison List


mRed7 is a synthetic gene template based on mCherry and multiple other naturally occurring RFPs and chromo proteins. It was the starting template used in the evolution of mScarlet.

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Oligomerization Organism Molecular Weight Cofactor
Monomer synthetic construct 26.2 kDa -

FPbase ID: 1NW9S


Ex λ Em λ EC (M-1 cm-1) QY Brightness pKa Maturation (min) Lifetime (ns)
589 606         0.43


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mRed7 Sequence

Note: mRed7 is a synthetic gene template based on mCherry and multiple other naturally occurring RFPs and chromo proteins



To start the development of a new monomeric RFP, a new synthetic template was designed based on the good maturating monomeric RFP mCherry... While designed to adopt the general fold of DsRed and mCherry (specifically concerning the conserved internal alpha helix), mRed7 harbors 30 amino acid changes as compared to mCherry and 44 as compared to DsRed.

Bindels et al. (2016)

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