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similar: miRFP682

iRFP682 is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) near ir fluorescent protein published in 2013, derived from Rhodopseudomonas palustris. It has low acid sensitivity. It requires the cofactor biliverdin for fluorescence.
Oligomerization Organism Molecular Weight Cofactor
Dimer Rhodopseudomonas palustris 34.5 kDa Biliverdin

FPbase ID: N3G27


Ex λ Em λ EC (M-1 cm-1) QY Brightness pKa Maturation (min) Lifetime (ns)
663 682 90,000 0.11 9.9 4.5   0.95


t1/2 (s) Power Light Mode In Cell Fusion ˚C Reference
490.0 200.0 (W) Arc-lamp Widefield HeLa Shcherbakova et al. (2016)

iRFP682 Sequence

iRFP682 was derived from iRFP713 with the following mutations: E180V/T202A/V254C

GenBank: AGN32864


No excerpts have been added for iRFP682
Excerpts are snippets from publications that capture key information about this protein that does not easily fit into one of the existing fields (such as a summary, motivation, or observation).

Primary Reference

Near-infrared fluorescent proteins for multicolor in vivo imaging

Shcherbakova Dm, Verkhusha Vv

(2013). Nature Methods, 10(8) , 751-754. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.2521. Article

Additional References

  1. Time-resolved flow cytometry for lifetime measurements of near-infrared fluorescent proteins

    Yang Z, Shcherbakova Dm, Verkhusha V, Houston Jp

    (2016). Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, , . doi: 10.1364/cleo_si.2016.sw4g.1. Article

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