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Oligomerization | Organism | Molecular Weight | Cofactor |
Tetramer | Heteractis crispa | 25.6 kDa | - |
Ex λ | Em λ | EC (M-1 cm-1) | QY | Brightness | pKa | Maturation (min) | Lifetime (ns) |
408 | 455 |
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HcRed1-Blue was derived from HcRed with the following mutations: E63H/R67K/F80W/S143I/N158A/H173A/I196Y
No excerpts have been added for HcRed1-Blue
Excerpts are snippets from publications that capture key information about this protein that does not easily fit into one of the existing fields (such as a summary, motivation, or observation).
(2008). Chemistry & Biology, 15(10) , 1116-1124. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2008.08.006. Article Pubmed
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