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Oligomerization | Organism | Molecular Weight | Cofactor |
Monomer | Entacmaea quadricolor | 25.6 kDa | - |
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mKate2.5 was derived from mKate2 with the following mutations: A45V/T73P/S128A/R157A/A158C/K175E/Y194N/K207N/C222_R231delinsSTGGAGDGGK
amino acid numbers relative to eqFP578. show relative to mKate2
mKate2.5 is characterized by monomeric behavior at 10 mg ml−1 concentrations on HPLC... Maturation rate, fluorescence brightness and pH stability of mKate2.5 were significantly reduced compared with mKate2 (data not shown).
Shemiakina et al. (2012)
(2012). Nature Communications, 3(1) , 1204. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2208. Article Pubmed
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