
Comparison List


td-RFP639 is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) red fluorescent protein published in 2008, derived from Entacmaea quadricolor.

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Oligomerization Organism Molecular Weight Cofactor
Dimer Entacmaea quadricolor 26.2 kDa -

FPbase ID: A77ZH


Ex λ Em λ EC (M-1 cm-1) QY Brightness pKa Maturation (min) Lifetime (ns)
589 631 90,400 0.16 14.46   480.0  


t1/2 (s) Power Light Mode In Cell Fusion ˚C Reference
1.6   Kredel et al. (2008)

td-RFP639 Sequence

td-RFP639 was derived from RFP639 with the following mutations: T122R



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