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Oligomerization | Organism | Molecular Weight | Cofactor |
Monomer | Zoanthus sp. | 27.0 kDa | - |
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% Normal Cells | OSER/NE ratio | Cell Type | Reference |
95.1 ± 1.1 (10000 cells) | - | HeLa | Hoi et al. (2013) |
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mPapaya0.6 was derived from mPapaya0.3 with the following mutations: H3Q/Y127R/C149T/S166K
amino acid numbers relative to zFP538. show relative to mPapaya0.3
A drawback of mPapaya0.6 that soon became apparent was relatively poor photostability under typical live cell imaging conditions. Similar to mTFP0.7, photobleached mPapaya0.6 displayed a 410 nm absorbance peak attributable to the protonated state of the chromophore and was observed to recover fluorescence when stored in the dark
Hoi et al. (2013)
(2013). Chemistry & Biology, 20(10) , 1296-1304. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2013.08.008. Article Pubmed
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