Change History for iRFP713
2018-10-06 14:55, user: talley
- added protein iRFP713 cofactor: bv
2018-11-04 15:08, user: Alina.simerzin
- added excerpt Filonov et al. (2011): iRFP is stable, noncytotoxic a...
2018-11-05 21:09, user: talley
- changed excerpt Filonov et al. (2011): iRFP is stable, noncytotoxic a... content: Its high intracellular stability, low cytotoxicity, and lack of the requirement to add external biliverdin-chromophore makes iRFP as easy to use as conventional GFP-like proteins.->iRFP is stable, noncytotoxic and the low concentrations of
endogenous BV [in mammalian cells] are sufficient to make it brightly fluorescent in cells, tissues and whole animals. These features make its application as easy as the conventional GFP-like fluorescent proteins and hence should broaden the possibilities of noninvasive in vivo imaging
2018-11-07 15:24, user: talley
- added protein iRFP713 genbank: AEL88490
2018-12-15 16:12, user: talley
- changed protein iRFP713 seq_validated: False->True
- added lineage iRFP713
2018-12-15 16:18, user: talley
- added lineage iRFP713 mutation: T2A/S13L/A92T/V104I/V114I/E161K/Y193K/F198Y/D202T/I203V/Y258F/A283V/K288T/N290Y
- added lineage iRFP713 rootmut: T2A/S13L/A92T/V104I/V114I/E161K/Y193K/F198Y/D202T/I203V/Y258F/A283V/K288T/N290Y
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