Change History for DsRed
2018-10-13 23:05, user: talley
- added protein DsRed aliases: RFP
2018-10-13 23:08, user: talley
- added protein DsRed references: Ranganathan et al. (2000)
- added reference Ranganathan et al. (2000)
2018-10-13 23:15, user: talley
- removed protein DsRed chromophore: QYG
- added protein DsRed pdb: 1GGX, 1ZGQ, 1ZGP, 1ZGO, 1G7K
- removed reference Ranganathan et al. (2000)
2018-10-13 23:25, user: talley
- changed protein DsRed seq_validated: False->True
2018-10-14 00:57, user: talley
- added protein DsRed references: Baird et al. (2000)
- added reference Baird et al. (2000)
2018-10-14 01:06, user: talley
- removed reference Baird et al. (2000)
- added excerpt Baird et al. (2000): DsRed surprisingly takes days ...
2018-10-14 01:07, user: talley
- changed excerpt Baird et al. (2000): DsRed surprisingly takes days ... content: DsRed surprisingly takes days at room temperature to reach full red fluorescence. At room temperature, a sample of purified protein initially shows a major component of green fluorescence (ex/em 475/499 nm), which peaks in intensity around 7 h and decreases to nearly zero over 2 days.->DsRed surprisingly takes days at room temperature to reach full red fluorescence. At room temperature, a sample of purified protein initially shows a major component of green fluorescence (ex/em 475/499 nm), which peaks in intensity around 7 h and decreases to nearly zero over 2 days. Meanwhile the red fluorescence reaches half its maximal fluorescence after approximately 27 h and requires >48 h to reach >90% of maximal fluorescence.
2018-10-14 01:12, user: talley
- added State DsRed maturation: 1600.0
2018-10-14 01:16, user: talley
- added excerpt Baird et al. (2000): Fully matured DsRed in our han...
2018-10-14 01:24, user: talley
- added excerpt Baird et al. (2000): Screening of random mutants pr...
2018-10-14 02:00, user: talley
- added protein DsRed aliases: DsRed1
2018-10-14 02:12, user: talley
- added protein DsRed references: Bevis & Glick (2002)
- added excerpt Bevis & Glick (2002): With purified DsRed1, we measu...
2018-10-14 02:12, user: talley
- changed excerpt Bevis & Glick (2002): With purified DsRed1, we measu... content: With purified DsRed1, we measured an extinction coefficient of 52,000 and a quantum yield of ∼0.7. Baird et al (2000) reported a similar quantum yield but a higher extinction coefficient of 75,000; the reason for this discrepancy is unclear->With purified DsRed1, we measured an extinction coefficient of 52,000 and a quantum yield of ∼0.7. Baird et al. (2000) reported a similar quantum yield but a higher extinction coefficient of 75,000; the reason for this discrepancy is unclear.
2018-10-14 15:13, user: talley
- added protein DsRed references: Gross et al. (2000)
- added excerpt Gross et al. (2000): The red chromophore of DsRed r...
- added reference Gross et al. (2000)
2018-10-14 15:14, user: talley
- changed excerpt Gross et al. (2000): The red chromophore of DsRed r... content: The red chromophore of DsRed results from the autonomous multi-step post-translational modification of residues Gln66, Tyr67 and Gly68 into an imidazolidinone heterocycle with p-hydroxybenzylidene and acylimine substituents->The red chromophore of DsRed results from the autonomous multi-step post-translational modification of residues Gln66, Tyr67 and Gly68 into an imidazolidinone heterocycle with p-hydroxybenzylidene and acylimine substituents.
- removed reference Gross et al. (2000)
2018-10-17 03:47, user: talley
2018-10-17 21:22, user: talley
- removed protein DsRed pdb: 1ZGQ, 1ZGP
2019-01-30 18:57, user: talley
- added protein DsRed references: Strack et al. (2010)
- removed excerpt Baird et al. (2000): DsRed surprisingly takes days ...
- removed excerpt Baird et al. (2000): Fully matured DsRed in our han...
- removed excerpt Baird et al. (2000): Screening of random mutants pr...
- removed excerpt Bevis & Glick (2002): With purified DsRed1, we measu...
- removed excerpt Gross et al. (2000): The red chromophore of DsRed r...
- added lineage DsRed
- added reference Strack et al. (2010)
2020-02-10 15:17, user: talley
- changed State DsRed brightness: 5.17->49.3
- changed State DsRed ext_coeff: 22500->72500
- changed State DsRed qy: 0.23->0.68
- changed lineage DsRed mutation: ->
- changed lineage DsRed rght: 104->118
- removed reference Strack et al. (2010)
Back to current DsRed version