Change History for Dronpa
2018-07-08 17:43, user: talley
- added protein Dronpa references: Stockmar et al. (2018)
2018-07-22 17:35, user: talley
- removed State Dronpa
- removed protein Dronpa chromophore: CYG
2018-10-06 15:35, user: talley
- added protein Dronpa references: Habuchi et al. (2005)
- added reference Habuchi et al. (2005)
2018-10-06 15:37, user: talley
- added protein Dronpa parent_organism_id: 46733
- removed reference Habuchi et al. (2005)
2018-12-10 15:23, user: talley
- added protein Dronpa aliases: 22Gm3
2018-12-10 15:23, user: talley
- added excerpt Ando (2004): Based on the capacity of its f...
2018-12-10 15:27, user: talley
- changed protein Dronpa seq_validated: False->True
2018-12-10 15:31, user: talley
- changed protein Dronpa parent_organism_id: 46733->301887
2018-12-10 15:36, user: talley
- added protein Dronpa genbank: BAD72874
2018-12-10 15:36, user: talley
- added protein Dronpa ipg_id: 3892390
2018-12-10 15:51, user: talley
2018-12-10 15:51, user: talley
- added excerpt Ando (2004): We found 22Gm3 to possess a di...
2018-12-10 15:52, user: talley
- changed excerpt Ando (2004): We found 22Gm3 to possess a di... content: We found 22Gm3 to possess a distinctive photosensitivity. Strong excitation at around 490 nm appeared to bleach 22Gm3 more efficiently than other fluorescent proteins, and the bleached protein regained its green fluorescence completely with minimal irradiation at around 400 nm. ->We found 22Gm3 to possess a distinctive photosensitivity. Strong excitation at around 490 nm appeared to bleach 22Gm3 more efficiently than other fluorescent proteins, and the bleached protein regained its green fluorescence completely with minimal irradiation at around 400 nm. We intermittently measured the absorbance of a solution containing 22Gm3 at pH 7.4 in a cuvette during continuous illumination at 490 ± 10 nm with a 75-W xenon lamp. After a 40-min incubation, nearly all the protein molecules had been converted into the neutral, nonfluorescent state. Illumination at 400 ± 7.5 nm for several minutes reversed the protein to its original fluorescent state. Thus, 22Gm3 has photochromic behavior, because its fluorescence can be switched on and off by using two different wavelengths of light.
2018-12-10 16:11, user: talley
- added protein Dronpa pdb: 2IOV, 2POX
- changed lineage Dronpa rght: 3->7
2018-12-12 20:16, user: talley
- added protein Dronpa pdb: 2GX0
- changed lineage Dronpa rght: 7->19
- changed lineage Dronpa tree_id: 19->20
2018-12-12 20:17, user: talley
- added protein Dronpa references: Nam et al. (2007)
2023-11-08 10:02, user: Nuka.Kola
- added State Dronpa (On) lifetime: 3.6
- removed excerpt Ando (2004): Based on the capacity of its f...
- changed lineage Dronpa rght: 19->35
- changed lineage Dronpa tree_id: 20->23
- removed excerpt Ando (2004): We found 22Gm3 to possess a di...
2023-12-12 16:34, user: Nuka.Kola
- added State Dronpa (On) maturation: 40.0
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