Change History for dfGFP
2018-10-05 15:59, user: geobellward
2018-10-05 16:16, user: geobellward
- added protein dfGFP agg: d
2018-10-05 18:51, user: geobellward
- added protein dfGFP default_state_id: 534
- added protein dfGFP switch_type: b
- added State dfGFP
2018-10-11 20:19, user: talley
2018-12-08 05:19, user: talley
- added protein dfGFP references: Shinoda et al. (2018)
- added excerpt Shinoda et al. (2018): The tentacle sections from the...
2018-12-08 19:08, user: talley
- changed protein dfGFP seq_validated: False->True
- changed excerpt Shinoda et al. (2018): The tentacle sections from the... content: The tentacle sections from the flower hat jellyfish (Olindias formosa) that emit strong green fluorescence were investigated for unidentified GFP genes. In brief, an Escherichia coli cDNA expression library was constructed from jellyfish mRNA. Several green fluorescent colonies were isolated from a pool of ∼20,000 colonies, leading to the identification of a novel GFP, designated dfGFP, sharing little similarity to the known FPs. ->The tentacle sections from the flower hat jellyfish (Olindias formosa) that emit strong green fluorescence were investigated for unidentified GFP genes. In brief, an Escherichia coli cDNA expression library was constructed from jellyfish mRNA. Several green fluorescent colonies were isolated from a pool of ∼20,000 colonies, leading to the identification of a novel GFP, designated dfGFP, sharing little similarity to the known FPs.
2018-12-08 19:09, user: talley
- added protein dfGFP genbank: BBC28143
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