Change History for td8oxStayGold
2023-12-19 15:13, user: talley
- added protein td8oxStayGold parent_organism_id: 1254443
- added lineage td8oxStayGold
2023-12-19 15:14, user: talley
- added protein td8oxStayGold default_state_id: 1265
- added State td8oxStayGold
2023-12-19 15:14, user: talley
- changed protein td8oxStayGold seq_validated: False->True
2023-12-19 15:15, user: talley
- added protein td8oxStayGold references: Ando et al. (2023)
- added excerpt Ando et al. (2023): We found that PT can be used a...
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