Change History for RpBphP2
2018-12-15 16:13, user: talley
- changed lineage RpBphP2 mutation: ->
- changed lineage RpBphP2 tree_id: 16->17
- changed protein RpBphP2 aliases: None->[]
- added protein RpBphP2 genbank: WP_011158562
- added protein RpBphP2 ipg_id: 1517283
- changed protein RpBphP2 pdb: None->[]
- changed protein RpBphP2 seq_validated: False->True
2018-12-15 16:14, user: talley
- changed lineage RpBphP2 mutation: ->
- added protein RpBphP2 blurb: RpBphP2 is a bacterial phytochrome photoreceptor derived from Rhodopseudomonas palustris and used as a template in the engineering of some of the iRFP family of near-infrared fluorescent proteins.
2018-12-15 16:14, user: talley
- changed lineage RpBphP2 mutation: ->
2018-12-15 16:15, user: talley
- changed lineage RpBphP2 mutation: ->
- added protein RpBphP2 parent_organism_id: 258594
2018-12-16 04:21, user: talley
- changed lineage RpBphP2 mutation: ->
Back to current RpBphP2 version