Change History for oxStayGold
2023-12-14 14:53, user: talley
- added protein oxStayGold parent_organism_id: 1254443
- added lineage oxStayGold
2023-12-14 14:53, user: talley
- changed protein oxStayGold seq_validated: False->True
2023-12-18 19:29, user: talley
- added protein oxStayGold references: Ando et al. (2023)
- changed lineage oxStayGold level: 1->2
- changed lineage oxStayGold lft: 4->11
- changed lineage oxStayGold rght: 5->16
- changed lineage oxStayGold tree_id: 31->32
- added excerpt Ando et al. (2023): The oxStayGold variant of Stay...
2023-12-18 19:32, user: talley
- added protein oxStayGold default_state_id: 1256
- removed excerpt Ando et al. (2023): The oxStayGold variant of Stay...
- added State oxStayGold
2023-12-18 19:32, user: talley
- changed State oxStayGold brightness: 100.44->157.17
- changed State oxStayGold ext_coeff: 108000->169000
Back to current oxStayGold version