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mGinger1 is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) red fluorescent protein published in 2018, derived from Heteractis crispa. It has high acid sensitivity.
Oligomerization Organism Molecular Weight Cofactor
Monomer Heteractis crispa 24.8 kDa -

FPbase ID: AQ2DU


Ex λ Em λ EC (M-1 cm-1) QY Brightness pKa Maturation (min) Lifetime (ns)
587 637 58,000 0.02 1.16 7.9 106.0  


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mGinger1 Sequence

mGinger1 was derived from HcRed7 with the following mutations: A2_G3del/S8N/R10H/E27K/I43V/H71R/H72Y/T73P/E75D/N135K/K136E/S137T/G138C/V146S/C155R/V159H/R167S/I170H/Y174S/S176T/V183E/T187I/G190P/F191R/F193S/R197C/M200I/L201T/R202S/K203H/K205D/A214T/L222_N227del

GenBank: MK040729


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Primary Reference

Monomerization of far-red fluorescent proteins

Wannier Tm, Gillespie Sk, Hutchins N, Mcisaac Rs, Wu S-Y, Shen Y, Campbell Re, Brown Ks, Mayo Sl

(2018). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(48) , E11294-E11301. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1807449115. Article   Pubmed

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