Microscope efficiency report for YX1, spinning disk

This page calculates excitation efficiency and collection efficiency for every probe in the database with each optical configuration saved on this microscope. This info is combined with probe brightness to calculate a "predicted" brightness metric for each fluorophore/optical configuration pair (indicated by the size of the points on the chart). The table below the chart can be used to explore the data more selectively. For more information on how each efficiency metric is calculated, see the documentation.

loading scope report...

Efficiency considerations

This report only includes probes in the database for which spectra are available. Effective brightess is only calculated for probes whose extinction coefficients and quantum yields are known. "Brightess" on this page refers to the product of excitation efficiency, collection efficiency, extinction coefficient, and quantum yield.

In addition to the efficiency calculation notes in the documentation, here are some things to keep in mind when evaluating this information.